Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Good Pictures

So I just realized that because I'm posting this second, it will be on top of the list of postings. So I guess you can look at the next post before this one, or whatever you want. I'm still new with the blogging thing, so whatever.
Okay... here are the good pictures. And I don't mean good as in better, I mean in the other ones maybe half of the people in them are looking at two different cameras or just something else alltogether. Okay? So nobody go off and get all offended cause "Mickaela said the picture of me was bad!"

So my favorite is that we are all of the sudden "SHY". That's what my roommate Bethanie said. She always complained about our public displays of affection. Don't get her wrong, though, there were plenty. But we would always try and kiss in front of her just to get a reaction.

So when she saw this picture she said "So why are y'all shy now that you're married? Why weren't you shy when I was around??"

More being shy, but I think these are cute pictures. Kristi did a really good job at these. She wouldn't really tell us when she was taking pictures so alot of them were candid. I told her to take as many as she wanted because I think the subject in a candid shot is natural and looks more relaxed. That's just my preferance. I don't like posed pictures, so all of them are great in my opinion.

This, however, is the only picture that was planned. I don't know why but I have always wanted a picture like this. I was thinking that the different heights of the Lillies would make things a little more interesting, but I really liked how it turned out. Again, I give props to Kristi for making sure each flower was in it's own specific spot to get just enough of my face to catch some emotion and still hide enough to get the shot that I wanted. Bleu didn't like it cause he wasn't in the picture. :)

This one is my favorite mostly because I have NO IDEA when it was taken. I can't remember Kristi standing over us taking pictures. So when I saw it I was so surprised. I think it's such a cool perspective, I'm just bummed that you can't really see Bleu's face.
But it's still a great picture.
So that's all for now. Sorry I only update once every 6 Months, but life and school and job and everything is just crazy busy. Especially no internet at home.
See ya'll later, hopefully soon! Love you all.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of you looking through your flowers. AWESOME!! All the others are ok, I guess. ;)wink

Tammy said...

I'm so glad you finally posted again since you got married. What great pictures. I have to agree with Torrie on the flower shot ~ BEAUTIFUL! Sorry Bleu, I like the pictures with you in them too :)